TAC Releases Lives Lost Statistics 2017

The TAC’s latest crash stats show fewer motorists have died on our roads so far this year, compared to 2016.


Figures for car accidents and lives lost have just been released. Source by Hadia Atef

The number of lives lost so far this year is 180. This is a 12.6% decrease from the 2016 figure (206).

The statistics include figures from a number of different groups including gender, age, locations, different types of road users, and even the level of urbanisations (for example rural or Melbourne areas).

Figures for car accidents & lives lost recently released. Source by Hadia Atef

Transport Accident Commission. Source by Endeavour Hills Physiotherapy.

Having worked at the TAC for more than three years, Kerry McCallum says it is still aiming for a much lower number.

The TAC has released figures for lives lost among young drivers. Source by Hadia Atef.

“It’s great to see our numbers have decreased in the last year. If we could we’d instantly change the rate to zero, however that unfortunately doesn’t happen in a click of a button. We are working hard to continue decreasing rates of death on the road,” she says.

In terms of gender, the number of both males and females has decreased, but males still have the largest number of deaths (133), compared to females (47).

The majority of deaths on the state’s roads occurred in rural Victoria.
This year the number was 106, while last year it was slightly less at 104.
The number of deaths on Melbourne roads decreased from 100 to 75.

The number of lives lost has decreased. Source by Hadia Atef.

Maysie Brehaut was in a car crash a week ago.

“Car crashes are such horrible experiences. They come out of nowhere. Even if you’re focused on the road, you don’t know how other people behind the wheels of other car are,” she says.

Brehaut’s accident occurred in Geelong West, on Shannon Ave, where she was hit by a bus driver on her right side.

Maysie Brehaut’s car after the Accident. Source by Maysie Brehaut.

She said she was thankful it wasn’t worse.
“Although my experience was frightening I can’t imagine other people who have experiences worse than. Especially families of victims who have lost their lives due to car crashes, old and young,” Brehaut says.

This years year-to-date rate for drivers aged between 18 and 25 who lost their lives are yet to be released. 
Last year’s were 19%, while 62% of them were involved in crashes that occurred relating to high alcohol intake.

TAC workers such as McCallum are certainly not happy with these results.

“Reducing road trauma is a shared responsibility. We are doing our part on helping people be cautious on the roads and people need to do their bit, so we can achieve a future that’s free of deaths and serious injuries. Why can’t it be possible,” McCallum says.


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