Wading through the sea of remakes: top five

Rather than waste your time going to see the latest, not-so-greatest remake to hit cinemas, here’s a look at the top five that are worth the watch time.

Remakes are a dime a dozen. Source: The Film Buff


King Kong

‘King Kong’ 2005 Source: Flickr
‘King Kong’ 1933 Source: Flickr

Remakes can be used to show cinema technology’s progress. Peter Jackson’s King Kong improves on the 1933 classic to bring immense scope to the story that was restricted by the visual effects of its time. Jackson is able to bring the eighth wonder of the world to believable life.


Evil Dead

‘Evil Dead’ 2013 Source: CinemaBlend
‘The Evil Dead’ 1981 Source: MovieHouseMemories

When Sam Raimi created The Evil Dead in 1981, he was restrained by budget, and had to be meticulous to get each shot right the first time. This is where the remake has the advantage; a larger budget and longer production time allows the audience to experience unflinching gore, to spectacular effect.


The Jungle Book

‘The Jungle Book’ 2016 Source: Variety.com
‘The Jungle Book’ 1967 Source: Flickr

Disney Studios is no stranger to remaking their old classics for a modern audience. The Jungle Book proves this can be successful, with flawless CGI, and gripping additions to the story, making the audience rest at ease with the retelling.


The Departed

‘The Departed’ 2006 Source: Wikipedia
‘Infernal Affairs’ 2002 Source: Wikipedia

A common thread in western cinema is transferring eastern stories across to our screens. The Departed lets an otherwise unaware audience experience the story originally told in the 2002 Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs. And who can say no to Leonardo DiCaprio?


Ocean’s Eleven

‘Ocean’s Eleven’ 2001 Source: Microsoft
‘Ocean’s Eleven’ 1960 Source: The Times

The best remakes are ones no one realises are remakes. Ocean’s Eleven, starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt, managed to steal the 1960 film’s audience through an all-star cast and upbeat tone. Several sequels have led this remake to be a staple in popular culture.


Which of these remakes will you be watching again?


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